Electronic Cigarettes – The Healthier Way to Smoke
As of today, it is still a compelling issue whether the use of e cigarettes is healthier compared to the conventional cigarettes.
People have always something to say regarding this matter and so you are bombarded with several opinions that might left you in daze.
What kind?
There are various types of electronic cigarettes sold in the market.
There are some electronic cigarettes that look like the conventional cigarettes sold in the market. What makes it enticing is that it some cigarettes have LED lights at the tip which imitates the ones found on the conventional cigarettes.
Others on the other hand resembles a pen that is why they are called vape pens or vaporizers. If you are after for a bigger mass of vapor as you smoke your electronic cigarette then this one is ideal for you.
There are certain features that is found in almost all types of electronic cigarettes
The user breathes in the vapor through the mouthpiece of the electronic cigarettes.
Right after you inhale through the mouthpiece it triggers the liquefy nicotine along with flavoring, water, other chemicals that is place in a refillable container.
The liquid is converted into a vapor because of the atomizer.
This is the main reason why smokers feel like smoking a real cigarette.
When you puff out the vapor, it will disperse quickly into thin air.
What is your purpose of using electronic cigarettes? Are your reasons of using them involves a way for you to stop smoking? Or are you using them to shift from tobacco to electronic cigarettes for a span of time? There are still ongoing arguments whether it is helpful in getting rid of people’s addiction towards tobacco smoking. The presence of nicotine in electronic cigarettes makes medical professionals argue to its effectiveness in getting rid of smoking addiction.
This is the main reason why they recommend likepatches, lozenges or gums instead of the electronic cigarettes. For some people they claim that electronic cigarettes is essential in reducing the amount of nicotine that they intake over time until they reach a point wherein they smoke e cigarettes with no amount of nicotine found.
For some people they intend to use e cigarettes as a more stylish way of smoking compared to the traditional way of smoking.
As of today, one of the popular electronic cigarette brands are the Lizard Juice electronic cigarettes, mainly because of the flavors they offer.
As of today the use of these cigarettes is becoming a trend for people.
There was even a statistical report gathered by the American Lung Association which states that there about 7,700 flavors and 500 brands of electronic cigarettes sold in the market.