Katie Holmes the Star of The Secret Movie
Katie Holmes is lucky to be picked as the star of the new upcoming movie, The Secret. This film is based on Rhonda Byrne’s best-selling book, directed by Andy Tennant, and produced by Robert Cort. The movie starts with a young widow hiring a handyman to come and fix her house because of a terrible storm. As the handyman talks he becomes closer to the family, he shares his philosophy about life, and he believes that the universe is indeed powerful to deliver what we want, and the widow soon realizes that he carries a secret that is connected to her past. This movie of Katie Holmes embodies the in-depth principles of the book, and the producer intends to make this film emotional, endearing, and funny and full of hope.
Rhonda Byrne must be really proud of her book, The Secret because it has been translated into fifty different languages, and it sold over thirty million copies worldwide! This movie is all about focusing and wishing on something hard enough, having the faith that what you desire will happen to base on the law of attraction. The basic principle of the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract whatever we want into our lives through great focus and belief regardless of nationality, religious belief, or age. The Law of Attraction involves the use of the power of mind, the ability to think and focus on what we want the universe to provide, transforming these thoughts into reality. If a person on negative doom, the person will tend to remain under that cloud, but if you are positive and think good thoughts, you will surely find a way to achieve your innermost desires. Besides everything we see, like buildings, landmarks, artwork, and landscape gardens are all the result of man’s imagination. We are human magnets, and it’s up to you what type of thoughts and emotions you like to attract.
Many people overlook the importance of the Law of Attraction, dealing with everyday life like a routine and not living each day to the fullest, so many of us tend to attract more negative thoughts that result to unwanted emotions and life events. You can unlock the great power of the Law of Attraction by being aware of what your mind can do. The Secret is a must watched-movie that everyone should see, helping unlock the great secrets of the Law of Attraction for a better and brighter future, and a new life perspective circling around positivity. Are you ready for the new changes in your life brought about by the Law of Attraction? Try watching The Secret movie and you’ll find answers.
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